2007: so far, so good!
As I look back at my promise to make better use of my Nasonex spray to keep the sinuses from blocking due to some life-long (apparently) environmental allergies, I can say that I have been much better this year. I am making use of it almost every day. My head thanks me for sure!
I haven't suffered from any hay fever symptoms yet, though my mother has. I have played four rounds of golf in between these crazy Ottawa spring snow storms - I guess they have kept the evil weeds that cause me grief at bay!
It takes lots of discipline, but I do read ingredient labels on all new products that I buy at the grocery store - particularly on spaghetti sauce or anything else that could potentially contain those evil pine nuts that will do me in without much warning.
So all in all, I'm doing well this year as far as allergies are concerned. I have to acquire a new EpiPen or one of the newer devices (Twinject?) in the coming weeks. Pretty cheap insurance for potentially life saving devices. Fortunately I have never had to use one yet.
Many people around me keep insisting that post-childhood developed food allergies will fade with time. I am hoping that this will be the case for me, but the allergist didn't seem to think so when I got re-tested last year to see if I could enjoy shrimp and/or lobster again.
As such, I will live vicariously through some of my friends who seem to indulge in the wonderful fruits of the sea more often than I care to know!!! Here's to a continued allergy-free 2007!